Buy Made Easy
Company type
B2B SaaS
Lyon, France
35 Employees

Buy Made Easy breaks revenue record with Wisperin's support.

How we kickstarted a demand-gen program in a niche B2B market.
Revenue growth
Decrease in CAC
Increase in deals won
“We went from 3 to $17M ARR using Wisperin's demand generation framework.”
Jeremy Ferrer
CEO @BuyMadeEasy


Buy Made Easy is a procurement outsourcing platform that is based in France and operates across Europe. The focus with Buy Made Easy was on revisiting their GTM strategy, expanding market presence and boosting revenue, while reducing the overall customer acquisition cost to ensure long-term sustainability. Prior to our engagement, Buy Made Easy was generating an Annual Recurring Revenue (ARR) of $3M.

The Challenge

Despite its solid foundation, Buy Made Easy faced challenges in market penetration due to a lack of category differentiation and an outdated lead-generation model. The objective was to transition from this fading approach to a modern demand-generation strategy, overhauling the entire go-to-market (GTM) framework.

Two primary issues were identified:

  1. SEO dependency: Previously the cornerstone of their strategy, SEO's focus led to increased marketing costs and stagnant inbound performance within their niche market. This reliance had plateaued and failed to deliver the expected growth in qualified prospects.
  2. Overfocus on Inbound Marketing : Reliance on generic content such as email campaigns, whitepapers and broad-topic webinars led to a diluted impact. This approach, while cost-effective initially, eventually resulted in lower engagement and conversion rates due to lack of specificity and relevance to the target audience.

The company's CEO recognized the escalating efforts required for lead generation and the increasing acquisition costs that were compromising marketing efficacy. This acknowledgment was the catalyst for reevaluating and refining the company's strategic approach to market engagement and growth.

The Approach

After consulting with the team, we quickly reached a consensus on the optimal go-to-market strategy: first, update the brand's positioning; second, create a new category that sets the brand apart from competitors; and third, develop the messaging around this new category. We decided to focus on the "Streamline Your Supplier Payments" approach, emphasizing the SaaS automation side rather than merely procurement outsourcing.

We then developed the following:

Data Insights and Account Identification

  • Conducted thorough market data analysis to identify high-value target accounts.
  • Pinpointed over 150 prime accounts with potential for high engagement and conversion.

Tailored Content Strategy

  • Created over 500 pieces of customized content (Ad creatives, social content, whitepapers, infographics, case studies, testimonials)
  • Organized webinars featuring industry experts, drawing an average of 150+ decision makers per session.

Omnichannel Demand Generation

  • Launched a multi-platform paid media campaign focused on high-intent buyers

Ad campaign examples for Buy Made Easy

Executive Branding Strategy

  • Focused on elevating the visibility and authority of the leadership team on relevant social media leading to increased engagement with key stakeholders.

Sales and Marketing Synergy

  • Aligned sales and marketing efforts
  • Introduced a modern CRM system to improve lead tracking and align team's objectives

As soon as we launched our new GTM strategy, we saw significant improvement in the quality of our demo calls in a matter of weeks. Our qualified pipeline jumped by 70% after 3 months.


- Revenue Growth: Marking a 466% increase in revenue from $3M to $17M and significantly outpacing industry growth averages.

- Media Recognition : The company (under its brand name Sourcing Force) was featured in the Financial Times as one of the fastest growing companies in Europe in 2022 and in Les Echos in 2024 (French media outlet).

- Market Penetration: Expanded market share by 600%, establishing Buy Made Easy as an authoritative layer in the procurement solutions sector.

- Customer Acquisition: Tripled the customer base, with 70% of new clients originating from targeted ABM campaigns.

- Acquisition cost: Lowered by 89%.

- Deals won: Increased by 300%

Strategic response to Covid-19: Capitalizing on a crisis

Amid our project's lifecycle, COVID-19 emerged as a significant macro challenge, complicating procurement processes and exacerbating supply chain backlogs for Buy Made Easy. This required an immediate strategic response to maintain business continuity and sales velocity.

Our pivot was decisive: we targeted the surging demand for Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) within the B2B sector. We spun off a dedicated eCommerce platform for PPE, enabling the company to streamline its product offering while broadening its market reach effectively.

Utilizing the existing customer data, we managed to rapidly adapt to these new market conditions. Our strategy was supported by a focused application of Account-Based Marketing (ABM) and demand generation tactics, which were crucial in enhancing engagement with key accounts and driving substantial revenue growth.

Our efforts resulted in a revenue increase to $7M in just seven months. This approach not only bolstered Buy Made Easy’s revenue streams during the crisis but also significantly expanded its customer base, including numerous corporate leaders.